Obra Traducida

Babel bárbara

Babel barbarar Premio Princeton USA1992

Babel bárbara

Ed. Quarterly review of Literature


Prize Award Book of Poetry – Princeton University

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Los extraños objetos voladores

libro israel Los extraños objetos voladores1992

Los extraños objetos voladores


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Woord Aan de Dans Ontsprongen

Woord aan de dans ...1990

Woord Aan de Dans Ontsprongen

Ed. De Balie CCC


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Il Museo degli Sforzi Inutili

IL museo degli sforzi inutili1990

Il Museo degli Sforzi Inutili

Ed. Einaudi


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The ship of fools

the ship of fools  A & B1989

The ship of fools

Ed. Alison & Busby


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